​​Market Square,​ Brentford​​
The proposal is to clear the site of derelict light industrial workshops and housing/retail facing the High Street in order to open up the historic Magistrates Court and waterfront.
The canal basin will be extended to the High Street with a new public square to create a heart to the town centre and a setting for new commercial activities and housing. This area will also be designed to protect and increase boat ownership and water-based activities for the area including entertainment uses, play and swim spaces.
The High Street would also be remodelled for pedestrian priority with increased pavement widths, Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems, shared space and restricted car speed and parking. Central to the public realm would be a water garden and filter beds treating water run off from the roads and buildings.
Concept for new town square with rainwater garden and planting.
Existing streetscape in front of magistrate's court.
Concept for new town square with rainwater garden and planting.